Friday, February 10, 2012

Metamorphosis, day 9.

I actually did my workout today - kinda. I must confess that I dragged through (most of) the MS, and then did a measly 8 minutes of cardio before giving up. I'm certain that I'm coming down with a cold, I even had to stop between my leg sets so that I could go make some fresh cantaloupe-orange juice to take my grapefruit seed extract with, because I felt sure that if I didn't take it RIGHT THEN, I was going to die. (Have I mentioned that I'm even more dramatic than usual thanks to PMS?)

However, I did walk a good hour at least, today, since I packed a whole bunch of errands into my afternoon. Well, not so much errands, more like picking up my pay cheque, getting my eyebrows done, a visit to my hairdresser's, and an Adam Cohen show to cap off my evening (it was fantastic, I even allowed myself a glass of white wine because I was feeling so fancy and grown up). Walking's not exactly the same pace for cardio, but hey, it's better than nothing, right?

My next workout will be DAY 10, the end of level one (!!!) and, unfortunately, I think it's going to have to wait until Sunday. I'm working tomorrow, and after my shift at work, I'm babysitting a slumber party, which means that I'll be sleeping over at the family's house, too. And I really want to get in a good, solid, day 10 workout, not half-ass it, so I think I'll wait until I get home on Sunday so I can power through it and then do measurements. But I'm making it my mission to get through level two more quickly than I made it through level one, at least!


  1. Almost there! Keep it up! (You can get babysitters for slumber parties? I think you may have just changed my life :)

    1. Thank you! And I'm certainly available for slumber parties when it's a family for whom I've babysat regularly, like this one!


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