Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Metamorphosis, day 7.

My unexpected days off seem to have a habit of snowballing - fortunately, I stopped the cycle and actually DID my workout today, even though I'm PMSing and I think I'm coming down with a cold. But I realized that, you know what, it's not always going to be easy to get my workout in. In fact, more often than not, it's hard as hell. There are obstacles, I'll have time management issues, things will come up, I won't feel good or I just won't want to - but I have to remember that I'm doing this for ME. I don't want to be at this same place this time next year, thinking "Man, if I'd kept with it a year ago, I'd be so much closer to my goal by now (or maybe even reached it)!"

That said, getting back on the Tracy train was haaaard today. I split up my cardio but I still only managed about twenty minutes, because I kept having to stop and start. And where I was starting to feel like the 1 lb. weight I was using for arms wasn't enough, I definitely felt the weight of it again today. Everything was harder than it was where I left off, which, I guess, is totally normal, considering I took FOUR DAYS off (oops!)

Still, it's kind of amazing that today marks one week of workouts. Only three more days on level one, and then I'm movin' on up, which is totally exciting! I'll do measurements and everything on day 10, but I'm not expecting much considering how this first level went. Still, it feels good to look forward to getting through the first ten days and making more of a commitment.


  1. Hi Melissa, Melissa here nice to e-meet you!:)

    I stumbled onto your blog from the Tracy Website. I am so glad to see someone else address the issue of skipping workout days and battling PMS. I'm on Day 23 (not following the diet, but trying to stick to the workouts). Last week was a bad week for me. I missed 3 workouts due to PMS and awful cravings for peanut butter!

    Head on over to my blog to check it:


    Good luck on your journey and I am a new follower and excited to see your progress!

    1. It's great to meet you! I actually had your blog on my reading list already, I just hadn't commented yet - but I'll be sure to now! Thanks so much for the follow. x

    2. Oh cool! Glad you've been reading ... :)



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