Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Level 3, day 6.

We're continuing on with our streak of gorgeous weather, so today was another day for a long walk - I ended up taking the walk before I did my MS, so I was already good and sweaty when I got home. My love for level 3 seems to have diminished, perhaps even disappeared entirely, because today was hella hard to get through, but I did it. I'm not sure I'll be able to get my workout done tomorrow, since I'm working a longer shift, but I'll at least try for a walk, probably in the evening when it's a little cooler because my poor dog was panting like crazy in the hot sun today. Fortunately, I have an itty bitty 4-hour shift on Friday, and the day off on Saturday, so they should be good workout days.

I made the mistake of weighing myself today, which was a huge reminder that the scale is the worst measure of progress for me. I've been noticing the changes in my body - yesterday I noticed a dent in my thigh when I move a certain way, like the line of a muscle, and today I even noticed that I'm starting to get a dent on the side of my butt. I've been feeling a lot better about myself; I even cut myself a pair of jean shorts because I wore holes in the inner thighs of my jeans, hahaha, and I wear them out to walk with black leggings underneath, but weighing myself throws me back into a place of feeling so bad about myself. I kind of wish I hadn't bought a scale to begin with, because even though I keep my scale in the bottom drawer of my dresser, it's far too easy to just whip it out every once in a while.


  1. Well done on your workout! And don't beat yourself up because of weight! It comes differently to different people (and some people just have heavier bones, and all that), and besides, you are working on your muscles and tightening your body. Go for the inches than the weight! Keep up the high spirits! I am on l3d8 today, so we are going the similar road!

  2. I know that I lost inches long before I actually lost weight on the scale. Progress is measured in many ways!


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