Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Level 3, day 3 and body inspiration.

Nothing exciting to report today, except that my legs were shaking so hard for the last few moves, I actually couldn't do more than maybe 5 reps towards the end. I've also been waking up not so much sore, but really stiff. I do work out with my space heater on, but I wonder if it's enough - I also think I need to stretch more, but I'm never really sure how. I think I'll take a look at the stretches Tracy suggests in the 30-Day Method book, I seem to recall a couple in there. I'm also planning on visiting that gym I signed up for soon - maybe hot yoga will help with my flexibility and stiffness, too.

As for my goals for this level, the cardio goal is definitely failing. It rained yesterday and today it SNOWED (grrrrrr!), which means I totally lose motivation to do anything at all. I'm thinking I might also need to invest in a new pair of shoes, so I looked up some good shoes for over-pronators and got all excited - except for the fact that they're so expensive and definitely not in my budget for now. Sigh. I guess I'll stick with my old running shoes for now (they're not THAT old, I just feel like I could be getting better support, especially if I want to do more high impact cardio), but I'll try to start saving up for new shoes along with everything else.

The past couple of days, I've been going through my "fitspiration" pictures a whole lot. I have 200+ pictures of body inspiration in a folder on my computer - some of them are celebrities, some of them are models or athletes, some of them are random people - but the one that I find myself gravitating to the most is Kim Kardashian. I have an hourglass figure, though I lack her amazing butt, and that's not something I want to lose. I like my boobs and my hips and, especially, my small waist, even if my proportions make it really hard to dress; I want to keep those proportions, but I'd like to tighten and tone and firm everything up. I don't think I'll ever have the long, lean legs I crave - I think mine are more muscular, Beyonce legs - but I'd love to slim them down. I want toned, slender arms and a flat stomach (though I don't mind a little softness there, I don't need crazy abs). Some of the other celebs in my folder include Scarlett Johansson, Katy Perry, Megan Fox, young Elizabeth Taylor or Brigitte Bardot or Jane Fonda - there are so many strong, beautiful, confident women out there who inspire me. Who's your body inspiration? What part of your body do you love?

1 comment:

  1. I'm so jealous that you got snow!!! I'll post the stretches that I do on my blog tomorrow. Sophia Loren and Salma Hayek are two of my favorites, although I've always lacked their tiny waists. I've always been both curvy and muscular (well, when I was fit). I think I need to find a new style icon!


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