Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Level 3, day 2.

My three days on, one day off schedule started off a little rocky, since I took two rest days on Sunday and Monday - I don't know why I was so exhausted, but I suspect it has something to do with PMSing. However, I forced myself back onto the horse today and it only confirmed my suspicions about level 3 - I love it. It's so difficult and I can barely get through (I managed 20 reps for some of the leg moves, then 10-15 for the rest), but in the most amazing way that makes me feel so great. The ab moves are also incredible on this level, I was actually able to push much harder today - I love all the angles. And arms with weights went well, but it's definitely hard to follow at Tracy's speed, haha.

I finished reading Crazy Sexy Diet recently, and I'm thinking about going on the 21-Day Cleanse proposed in the book - cutting out dairy, gluten and sugar for three weeks might kill me, but I think it'll be interesting to see how it affects my body (and maybe my mind). I went to the grocery store tonight and bought some produce to make more juice, and I also bought some pizza pockets and cheesecake in the name of my experiences in Intuitive Eating - it kind of feels weird, like I'm making an excuse to give myself permission to eat "bad" food, but that's exactly what the authors were discussing in the chapter I finished last night - that there are no "good" or "bad" foods, that that's a diet mentality, and the challenge that they proposed was to make a list of foods you don't usually allow yourself to eat, go to the grocery store and buy them one at a time, and eat them. So I grabbed two of the foods that I crave and stay away from the most, and we'll see how this experience goes! I'm really enjoying the book so far - and not just because I get to eat foods that were previously off-limits.

I haven't done my cardio yet; the weather over the past two days was incredible but it rained last night and today's been a little cold, so I'm trying to pump myself up to go for a walk with the dog.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a big fan of intuitive eating. Just be sure to listen to your body's cues for when to stop, too!


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