Thursday, January 26, 2012

Metamorphosis, day 1, and an introduction.

So I finally decided to move my blog over here from Tumblr ( , mainly because on Tumblr, I felt like I had to keep posting constantly to keep my followers, so I ended up posting and reblogging a lot of "fitspiration" pictures, which is fine, except that I wasn't focusing on my own fitness journey.

I ordered Tracy's Metamorphosis program for Christmas, but it's taken me about a month to finally get up the courage to start - and I have to admit that thinking about the next 90 days (and onward!) is a little stressful and panic-causing. But I keep reminding myself to just take it one day at a time. I'm not an athletic person AT ALL, so I don't find joy in working out (yet). I'm kind of looking at my workouts kind of like brushing my teeth - I don't have to like it, I just have to do it. That said, it did feel pretty good to work out this morning, and I'm kind of loving the ache in my arms and legs and butt (oh, how I missed you, Tracy ache).

I wanted to use this blog as a place to track my measurements and progress, and to try and hold myself accountable. So, we'll start with measurements, which I'll take every time I start a new level, so every 10 days.

Measurements, day 1:
weight: 201 lbs
bust (cup): 41"
bust (band): 32.75"
arm (L): 13"
waist (smallest part): 32"
stomach (belly button): 41"
hips: 45"
thigh (L): 23"

I feel pretty gross sharing those numbers, but I'm trying to use it as motivation to move forward! And speaking of motivation, I also wanted to share some of my goals.

My long-term fitness goal is to get down to 120-140 lbs, and a size 4-8, depending on how I look and feel when I get there. Short-term, I'm aiming to lose 10 lbs/month, but I won't beat myself up if it goes slower than that, as long as I'm doing my workouts and really pushing myself.

By the end of my first 90 days, I'd like to fit comfortably into a pair of black jeans that I have - I don't know what size they are, but I'm also trying to measure by how my clothes feel, so that will be one indication.

My birthday is at the end of August (the 24th!), and I'd really like to be at the top of my goal weight by then, so that gives me seven months to lose 60 lbs - which fits into my 10 lbs/month goal, with a little leeway.

I really want to watch myself grow stronger (especially in the arms!), not just physically but emotionally as well. I want to feel good about myself, I want to be able to take pride in taking care of myself and building a better body. I don't want to be super-skinny, just fit and toned and healthy and strong - but still curvy and with a well-defined waist - somewhere between Kim Kardashian, Katy Perry and Vanessa Ferlito in Death-Proof.

Now, with all of that said, let me finish on this note: I barely managed to scrape through the MS portion of today's workout. Arms were amazing, I could feel it almost right away (and I didn't even use weights at all today!), standing abs were amazingly HARD because I have no idea how to move my abs that way for some of the moves she does, but I'm learning - and legs, as usual, were the hardest for me. I could hardly get through them all, and I definitely didn't get 40 reps in on either side, more like 15 or 20 for some of those moves. But I won't give up, and I'll keep working my way up to 40 every day. As for cardio, I did 15 minutes on my rebounder and that ended in near-tears, haha. But I'm determined that even if I have to start small, my focus is just to keep building. As long as I don't quit, I can only go up from here.


  1. Keep posting, keep doing TAM because reading you was so motivating. I'm doing TAM as well and our measurements are almost the same. ;) Hope we can reach 140 lbs. :)

    1. Thank you! Are you doing Meta or another one of Tracy's DVDs? How far along are you? Will you be blogging your journey as well? We WILL reach 140 lbs, it's just a question of when ;)

  2. Yep, I'm doing Meta but only the mat workout because I can't do the dance cardio due to the old lady living below my flat...she is complaining all the time when I'm jumping. :( So I'm running instead...I know, I know, it is forbidden but I wanna replace dance cardio with something that makes me sweat. I'm doing on Day 7 now with the mat workout and I still have difficulties doing the leg knee hurts so much during the exercises. :( But I won't give up, noway. :)
    I'm not blogging but I'm glad you are and maybe we can be workout buddies and share our experience with Meta. :)

  3. I'm from Hungary, Europe, by the way. :)


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