Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Level 4, day 1.

This week has been crazy for me at work, I've been working a lot of 9-hour shifts when I'm used to working maybe 4 hours, so it's made it pretty difficult to find time to work out - I don't know how everyone else does it!

I started level 4 today - I did arms without weights, since it was my first day, and I found that abs on the floor were relatively easy compared to last level's. The leg section was fantastic, I actually managed around 15 reps for almost every exercise, except the second one where she has you in a plank moving from one side of the mat to the other - I HATE planks, my upper body strength sucks, so I only managed maybe 5 of those, hahaha. I'd like to get up to at least half of the reps Tracy does this level - so when she does 40, I want to get up to 20, and when she does 30, I'll do 15. Of course, I'll continue to work my way up to the full 40, but my short-term goal for the next couple of workouts is to manage at least half.

I also rediscovered my Run 5k app, and I'm going to start doing that for cardio, because I remember how much I loved jogging when I was doing it last summer. The app says to do it 3 times a week, and I am also going to modify my MS goal to a MINIMUM of 3-4 times a week; 5-6 times a week will still be the ideal, but I want to be doing at least 3 MS workouts a week. I also won't necessarily do my MS and cardio together every time, I might do MS one day and a run the next, because I feel like 30-minute workouts are way more manageable for me, especially when I'm working longer shifts - I'll push myself to get up early and do 30 minutes of either. I think that by giving myself more realistic goals, it'll help me work up to where I want to be.

1 comment:

  1. Many experts in the medical field have been asked about the abdominal exercise belt and most agree that the stimulation does cause the abdominal muscles to contract and relax, giving them a good workout.


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